Welcome to Stony Stratford
- the jewel of Milton Keynes
Leisure in Stony Stratford

A walk around the town of Stony Stratford will reveal many historical and architectural treasures and within a mile of the town centre...often less... there is open countryside in several directions, grazed by people-friendly cattle and sheep.
You can download a copy of the Stony Stratford Walks leaflet here.
A walk on the wildlife side, by meadow-fringed river which winds lazily through the 'Wind in the Willows' scene of the Ouse Valley Country Park, can be very diverting and therapeutic.
Swan-graced, geese-gaggled and heron-haunted, the river in summer is alive with large dragonflies, or iridescent small electric blue ones, and the occasional blue flash of a kingfisher.
In the special nature reserves, you might see the intricate mating dance of great-crested grebes.